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Monday, July 13, 2009

Mingli,Audbaby and I at Joce's 21st :D

Da Vinci-ans!! Wheeeeee! SO FUN!

Cute cowcow purse from my brother :)

Hello I miss you my stagnant blog! The last time I tried to blog, I had difficulty uploading photos and thus gave up. But fortunately, it's alright now.

The last weekend was AWESOME. Why do weekends always have to pass so fast.Rawrs!

On Friday, YRS started again and I got to see MY CUTE LITTLE FWEN YUANYONG(:!I miss her heaps man! Haven't seen her since the excursion last sem.At first,she was really quiet and I wondered if anything was wrong. But when I was teaching her alone, she was so CHEERY! SO CUTEEEEE(:!And she's improving!(: Now she corrects herself most of the time when she mispronounces words.

On Saturday,headed to the Da Vinci exhibition with Xh and Markymark. Wheee science center was cool!We kept pressing all the random buttons to make the stuff work.Oh and the Mono Lisa is absolutely cool! I adore his drawings(:!The golden ratio thingy that Da Vinci built was fascinating!Hahhas, one day I shall follow the ratio and see how perfect/imperfect I am!:P We camwhored outside the science centre:P because we weren't allowed to take pictures inside. Hahahas fun day with two great buddies makes a great Saturday afternoon(:.Headed to Timbre@ arts house at night.Urghhh,I ran across the Clark Quay bridge because it started drizzling. I was drenched and hid at a bustop near the parliament house. The only good thing was that...I SAW FIREWORKS while I was at the bustop! It made everything instantly better. LOVED IT!(:The music at Timbre rocked(: It was good to see kris,rf,cynkiddo,ivan and hy again!

Yesterday, attended Joce's 21st!The theme was 'high society'! Everyone at the party looked really glam! Even the guys bothered to wear suits.Wow.Her fwens even played the guitar and sang for her! Super sweet. Hmmm, wonder how my 21st would be like!

Hmmm, a few days ago, I dreamt that I lived in a really pwetty place. The back of my house was a meadow covered with flowers. There was a rainbow across the blue sky.In front, my house overlooked a pristine beach and clear sea. Does a place like that really exist? I'm positively sure and hope it does!(:


i've let you go at. 7:06 AM

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Slumberfun in KL :D

Hello!(: Just got back from KL on Tueday :D Boy was it a good break.Hahahas my cousin Drey and I and my aunt shopped ALOT!But I didn't buy much though!The hotel bed was cosy and nice too(: And on the 2nd night, I dreamt of Robert Pattinson! *fatsmile!A dream come true.The buffet breakfast and hotel restaurant were superb!It's good to be able to watch Simpsons on starworld while crunching on an apple in the hotel!So leisurely!Love it!I'm like having holiday withdrawal symptoms already.
The bus we took was impressive as well.There were movies on board and the foodie provided was yum(:!Nodame rocks! The guy and girl are CUTE!I watched leap years too! But I didn't get to see the ending):.

Picnic with Yunjie on saturday at Botanic Gardens was yipeeeeeee FUN!!The rain didn't even dampen our mood. We put the HUGE towel on pwetty spot facing 2 ponds and had our picnic there.Opening the sparkling juice was hilarious! The cork flew into the pond.Oops! Cutie yjbaby.Brought the lemoncake I baked with anniebff for picnic too! Yayyy annie baking was fun!(:The pastry's nice!:DPlayed all the oldschool games I got from dnd! 5 stones! The txsparent bubble balloon thingy, rainbow beach ball!:D
Drag me to hell the movie is uber scary.Hahahas I was using the pockey box to half cover my eyes!:P I was spooked! But I think looking at each other's expressions during the movie was funny.

Yesterday, I had a really weird dream!Dammit that I dreamt of you!Whyyy!If you could get out of my life,why can't you freaking get out of my dreams too!RAWRS!Angsty.


More happy days ahead,cos...(*drumroll)Lynnybff and Margsis are going to be back soonies! I can't wait.Yayness!

Hope my lungs won't go on strike tonight again!Asthma asthma go away.*Tearyeyes

i've let you go at. 6:01 AM

Monday, June 8, 2009

Cute buys from homeclub flea :D

Nectarine rocks :D

1959 MICA's Dnd (:

I like this photo :D

Current mood: Shacked


Thurs: Met up with my Cj moomoomehmeh gang!Like finally!(:

Friday: MICA's Dnd! Today,office was bustling with life!Hahas!Everyone was so excited about their outfit for dnd which was themed 1959.We were like comparing shoes,dresses and everything in office.So funny!:PAnd we ended at 3 on that day(supposed preparation time). Audbaby,Ytbaby and I went to Bugis for a short spree! Yt and I ended up nearly an hr late for the Dnd!Hahhas! We took a freaking bus which went from bugis and landed us in bugis again! Gosh! In the end, we had to get down and walk!*faints! Blurcows! The work we had to do at Dnd was totally spontaneous.Our boss gave us recorders and told Yt and I to go record the minister's speeches!It was quite cool to be able to see actual journalists interviewing the MPs and stuff.And everyone was quite high! I have colleagues who can belt out awesome tunes :D!The stuff they gave in the goodiebags were so nostalgic! The gummy stuff you place on a tiny straw and blow into a huge bubble balloon, 5 stones, rainbowy beachball!CUTE!
Ytbaby and I camwhored after that at the risk of being unglam and glared at by passerbys!Hahahs

Saturday:Yayyy!Got to pick up with crazycute babes!Zha hu ky,wendybaby,charm and jw(:!Shoppinggg! Though I didn't get anything, my fwens were great company!Super funny people(:!!More outings pls!! I'm looking forward to the picnic!! :D And they kept saying I've grown taller?Omg!!I hope not! I can't wear heels already! But not like I care for it, I walk like a twit in heels. Satisfied my fried mars bars craving! Sugar rush man!Aston's for dinner (: yum!Ky's two guy fwens whom I met before at her 21st had dinner with us too! And omggg I don't know why, but everytime her fwen n I meet, it's like WW3!One of them is super clowny can.

Sunday: Went for the homeclub flea with my cute cousin aud!(Yes, I know I'm greedy! I know 3 Audreys and I love all of them!Hahahs)Brought her to try seasalt caramel icecream and Nectarine's caramelised bananacake! Heavenly stuff!(:

Today, on my way home, I was blasting music on my ipod when I noticed this cute fat boy following me behind.He's ard 5 I think. Then he said in mandarin "Ni yao hui jia ah?" Super random man! And I just nodded.But he's CUTEEEEEEEEEE :D

Oh and I finally met a new fwen on my 1 hr bus journey with this cute girl! We've been exchanging smiles for 3 weeks but only talked today!Hahahas. I realised she took the same degree as me! And she's in advertising!Coolness(:. I hope that's where my next internship is.

Weekend's are a small step nearer :P and yayyy I can meet Yjbaby and Pybaby soon again!! :D

i've let you go at. 6:09 AM

Monday, May 25, 2009

Current mood: Happy :D

Today, work was hectic because I had to rush a report with my fwen by 3!But I was looking forward to after work because I get to meet *drumroll* Yjbabe((:!!Yayness!We met to carry out a secret mission, the person will find out soon enough:P!And I fulfilled my waffle and bubbletea craving and Yj,her peanut pancake craving.Wheee!
Hahahahs!We kept laughing cos both the blurpoops kept making blunders:P!

Arcade was so FUN!!Bishi Bashi,Daytona,basketball.The funniest was a random chingy streetfighter game we played because we wanted to use up the remaing money in the card.Rawrs,we kept giggling cos the game was in mandarin!Gosh! I sure had troubles reading the text!And we just kept randomly whacking the buttons because both of us weren't really that sure of how to do combos!Stress reliever!We also discovered a random neoprint machine in Jp's arcade(:! It's so much cheaper than in town but the photos still turned out cute(:!Absolutely love the fourth picture with orange polka-dotted bg! Such genuinely happy fatsmiles :D!

Headed to macs to test Yjbaby BTT questions while dabbing and eating frenchfries!:P Yjbabe! U MUST JIAYOU OKAY(:! -Fathugs!!

Yayyyness! Bye monday blues!:D Ahhh! 12:12am already!Less than 6 hrs to sleep!Sweet dreams everyone(:!

i've let you go at. 8:55 AM

Saturday, May 23, 2009

YAYNESSSSSSSS!! Wkends are here!:D Finally!! Time to pigout and just bum around!! Wheee!What a luxury!I'm loving it!Hahahs!Got to wake up at 11 today!I know I'm a pighead but I only get to do this on weekends.

Wed night with my panda supper gang was fun!! Banana prata and milo and crazy fun buddies!YAY!Rocks!

Friday night girl's night out with Auddie and Mingli was cool too!Had nice desserts, shopped and great girl's HTHT. They kept making me laugh till my belly hurt.(:

I'm still totally into the TWILIGHT STORYBOOK (: Gosh what a sweet love story! Though I don't really believe in fairytale endings anymore, I hope I can prove myself wrong someday.:P

And, how come there are no dandelions here! I only remember blowing those small dandelion look-alike stuff you can pick from roadsides as a kid!It feels like freedommm!!Whatever! The weekend is getting to my head :P

P.s: And yayyyyy bfflynny finally finally replied my email! Yipeeeee (:

i've let you go at. 12:39 AM

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Today's one of those days where everything just goes wrong! BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD DAY!): Rawrs, sucks being emobeans!Hope it'll get better tomorrow. Today pwetty pls end quickly! -tearyeyes! And tmr pwetty pls be a nice,warm and cheery day! -Snuggles under blankie

Thank youuuuu Tfmt and Hy for making me laugh and giggle at your smses. Really, it made me feel a lot better. And thank youuuuu Yt for having yummy seasalt caramel with me and accompanying me to get panadol!:D -fathugs!(Yt,if you read this, means you're stalking me!Hahahs jk luh!Xoxo)

i've let you go at. 6:21 AM

Monday, May 18, 2009

Headline: Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) clinches top spot on Michelle's EYECANDY list. :P
Phew! What a feat it has been to even get into this mouldy blog of mine! Hahhahahas! I forgot both my username and password and had to go retrieve it. Rawrs! :P
School's out but work has very much kicked in for me alweady! Blah! I have to whine that I barely had three days of hols before work started already! I'm angsty. Hahahs, but I chose to go for this internship because I think it'd help me. Moreover, my new and nice colleague Yiting babe and the rainbowy nice work building gives me the POWER to go to work. Waking up at 6am everyday is really dreadful for a pighead like me. Oh wells! Hahhas!

And thanks to drey bff's twilight series which I FINALLY started reading on my 1 hour bus journey to work and back, LONG BUS RIDES do not even seem so long anymore. Edward Cullen is still the cutest ever! ((((((: Or should I say Robert Pattinson. The vampire love story is too surreal and airey-fairy to be true at all but somehow, some part of me secretly wishes that something that sweet really exists. Perhaps, minus the scary vampire parts. Hahhas.

Boring recount for me to remember the good times :D
Friday: After exams ended, I headed for the beach, Joo Chiat steamboat and Marina Barrage with my "ARTS FAMILY".
Saturday: Went on a spree with YJbaby and Peiyinbaby! I MISS THEM SO MUCH! They are the ones who made my mugging hiatus during exams so much better! My study buddies! I LOVE THEM!
Monday: Apprehensive first day at work
Tuesay: Met up with Paikias Jessbaby, Tfmt and Cw sb to give Panda pootycakes a birthday surprise! Hahhahas! World's most special cake only for panda pooties! Secret btwn Tfmt, Cw and I
Wednesday: Met up with my ARTS FAMILY again! ((: Yayyy. Went to bugis for dinner and dessert at Liang Seah St! Found out a fwen's HUGE secret! :P Oh, we always go to the arcade together! So fun so fun! There's a game whereby you have to press fat coloured buttons in sync with the chords! That's our fave fam game!
Thursday: Hotdate with yjbaby! -winkwink! Hahhahas! But no popcorn meal this time round cos we were hungry t-rexes! Yj!! Thankewwwww!! :D :D The wolverine movie was uber duper nice! But not without nicenice buddy company! MICHELLE HEARTS YOU ALWAYS :D :D :D
Friday: Thanks to sweet Margsis who told me spotlight was having sale! :D Went down after work with yt to get cloth to sew stuff! (: And I’m now a spotlight member already! YAYNESS! Oh and Yt introduced me to uber yummy brownies from P.osh :D!

That's all for now! I'll not neglect you bloggy! U/d again soon!:D 6 hrs of slp left):Nights world!

TO DREYBFF: I MISS MY BFF I MISS MY BFF I MISS MY BFF! ): I know dreybestie is having her exams now. JIAYOU JIAYOU! I know my bestie can do it! In the meantime, don't forget to keep yourself nice, cosy and warm amidst all that mugging okay! Muacks!
TO YJBABY: YJbaby, it's been great meeting up with you so much more nowadays! ((: YAYNESS!! MORE MORE! DUO YI GE DUO YI GE ZAI DUP YI GE! (: jiayou for your btt okay!!
TO CW: Hellos sb ((: !! I finally u/d my bloggy! Hahhas! will link your travel blog soon! Have fun and take careeeee!!

i've let you go at. 8:21 AM

Michelle (:
CHIJ (bt) Wsss Cjc NUS Fass
My besties <3
Violet Crumbles
White chocs. Yum ((:
Anything from artbox (:
To pass driving
To be a fashion journalist
To help kids!(:



PLS do NOT remove the credits. thks((:
Base codes:sweet-melancholy

December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009